The first Parliament, which replaced the Legislative Assembly, convened on 8 December 1965, four months after Singapore's separation from Malaysia. The main opposition Barisan had denounced the country's independence as "phoney", as it believed the decision to leave Malaysia should have been debated in Parliament. Barisan chairman Lee Siew Choh announced that the party would boycott Parliament and instructed its Members of Parliament not to attend sittings but bring their fight for democracy onto the streets. The move caused Barisan MP and parliamentary opposition leader Lim Huan Boon to resign his seat on 31 December 1965, precipating this very first election in an independent Republic of Singapore. The next day, right on New Year's Day, Lim was expelled by Barisan.

Writ of election: 3 January 1966 [Mon]
Nomination day: 8 January 1966 [Sat]
Polling day: 18 January 1966 [Tue]
Member swearing-in: 23 February 1966 [Wed]

Eligible voters: 13,209
Voter turnout: 11,346 (85.9%)

Election deposit: $500

Bukit Merah

General Election 1963
Previous: By-Election 1965
Next: By-Elections March 1966
By-Elections November 1966
By-Elections 1967
General Election 1968