This by-election to fill an entire a Group Representation Constituency for the first and only time was precipated by the resignation of all its PAP Members of Parliament, including Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, for two purposes. The first was for PM Goh to secure a fresh, stronger mandate after last year's GE saw PAP lose an unprecedented four seats. The second was to keep his promise of giving WP chief J. B. Jeyaretnam an opportunity to contest an election. Jeyaretnam's ten-year election ban ended just after the 1991 GE and he had accused PAP of calling a snap election because it was afraid of him. PM Goh was made PAP secretary-general a day after his resignation, reflecting Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew's confidence of him. On nomination day, WP failed to file its papers due to the tardiness of its chairman John Gan. The remaining two WP candidates were Tan Bin Seng and Mohamed Jufrie Mahmood. Three opposition parties entered the fray, including the main opposition SDP, as leader Chiam See Tong wanted to unveil its newly-acquired "trump card", namely National University of Singapore lecturer Chee Soon Juan. NSP claimed it went in on behalf of WP. Subsequently, Chee would rise to become the face of SDP after a fall-out with Chiam and lead the party for many years.

Writ of election: 2 December 1992 [Wed]
Nomination day: 9 December 1992 [Wed]
Polling day: 19 December 1992 [Sat]
Members swearing-in: 18 January 1993 [Mon]

Eligible voters: 73,986
Voter turnout: 68,436 (92.5%)

Election deposit: $6,000

Marine Parade GRC [4]

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General Election 1991
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