Reform Party, The
Parti Reformasi
சீர்திருத்தக் கட்சி
Registered: 3 July 2008
Symbol: Party name & sun
Set up by former WP chief J. B. Jeyaretnam to restart his political career after his discharge from bankruptcy but the opposition veteran passed away three months after its formation. A year later, his eldest son, Kenneth Jeyaretnam, assumed the vacated secretary-general post and ousted the founder members whom were his father's long-time loyalists. In a short time, it was significantly renewed. However, before the 2011 General Election, it dwindled to a small force once again by a mass exodus of members unhappy with his leadership, many who left for NSP. RP remains plagued by high attrition and its ephemeral publication "New Dawn" ran only one issue at its initial prime.
General Elections record
Year Seats Cand Won % Year Seats Cand Won %
2011 87 11 0 31.8 2020 93 6 0 27.8
2015 89 11 0 20.6
By-Elections record
Year Seats Cand Won %
2013 1 1 0 1.2