Singapore People's Alliance
Perikatan Rakyat Singapura
சிங்கப்பூர் மக்கள் கூட்டணி
Founded: 10 November 1958
Dissolved: 16 May 1965
Symbol: Wheel & anvil
Formed by then-Chief Minister and LF chief Lim Yew Hock to salvage his government's image and counter PAP's growing appeal by bringing various parties together under one banner, it was initially named United Socialist Front. LSP, WP and remnants of LF refused to dissolve but SPA successfully invited many of their members to cross over. In the 1959 General Election, the SPA-UMNO-MCA ruling coalition was voted out of power. SPA was the main opposition before BS emerged, launching its publication "The People". In the 1963 GE, it came together with the UMNO-MCA-MIC alliance to form SA but the bloc failed to clinch any seat. After SA was restructured into a single party called APS, SPA was dissolved.
General Elections record
Year Seats Cand Won % Year Seats Cand Won %
1959 51 39 4 27.0 1963 51 – 28 under SA
By-Elections record
Year Seats Cand Won %
Jul 1961 1 – Under SA